Happy New Year!
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- Aboard break-a-thon held annually in the city of Irvine by Master Lee's Talium.
- A fundraiser for CHOC Hospital.
- A learning tool for young taekwondo students.
- An event sponsored in large part by local Irvine businesses and families.
Discover the beauty of the open sea
Dear Talium families,
On November 2nd, our Talium Taekwondo School had the honor of hosting the Healthkick 2024 event at Bill Barber Park in Irvine, CA. This year’s event was not only a celebration of our martial arts community but also a heartfelt effort to support the Children’s Hospital.
We were thrilled to have nearly 200 parents and students come together, united by a common goal: to make a difference in the lives of children in need. The day was filled with excitement, showcasing impressive taekwondo demonstrations, interactive games, and the exhilarating experience of kicking boards—all while raising funds for a noble cause.
Thanks to the incredible dedication and generosity of our community, we raised an astonishing total of $14,000.00! This achievement would not have been possible without the hard work of our volunteers, the enthusiastic participation of our students, and the unwavering support from parents.
We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of Healthkick 2024. Your spirit and commitment exemplify the true meaning of community. Together, we have made a significant impact, and we look forward to seeing the positive changes this funding will bring to the children and families at the hospital.
With appreciation,
Grand Master Seung Hyung Lee
Discover the beauty of the open sea
Congratulations on your newest black belts!! Saturday, Nov 23rd 2024 Talium Black Belt Test
Discover the beauty of the open sea
Grandmaster Lee and Talium's staff, students and families would like to send out a "Congratulations!" to Alan Kim for his Golden Globe Award Win for Best Picture Foreign Language and Critics Choice Award Win for Best Young Actor/Actress!!
Alan is a Purple Belt and was featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live talking about his recent Pruple Belt testing and his portrayal of "David".
We are very proud of your achievement Alan, you are a great role model for our students - you take your Taekwondo training very seriously and we can see how that carries on to your acting abilities.
Minari is a beautiful movie that story about a family's search for the American Dream.
Congratulations to you Alan and your family"
-Grandmaster Lee and staff-
“Thinking changes attitude, but only positive attitude can enhance your life."
Our youngest students get extra special attention for learning the basics. Fun, positive and rewarding.
Spend quality family time together learning new skills and keeping fit as a team.
Learn how to apply competition sparring skills in a safe, controlled and informative class.